Boston Craft Show
Traveling is my favorite activity, talking to people from all around the world, listening to their ideas, getting to know the real felling behind what we might hear in the news.
We tend to think about "sitting with the local's option" as something exotic when it comes to south America or any other native far away community. But even talking to my American friends after election is interesting for me. I live in Israel, I know how far it can get between the broadcast news and real life.
This holiday season I was in Boston for the first time in my life. for Boston Craft show exhibition, for me it was a new adventure in a new city that I've never been to before.
Exhibition abroad always makes a great adventure, they look so beautiful and promising on the final photos on Facebook, but it is not an easy job as it looks on these final photos. I'll tell you the true, it is extremely hard to understand new exhibition features, sizes might be listed in inches, centimeters or any other way that is not used to us. I always try to find how a new exhibition looks like on the internet but it either commercial well editing videos or extremely hard to find, this is why I decided to set a YouTube channel to show my traveling art news. Check it out at my YouTube Chanel
I really wanted to film what's it's like building a booth, I found this un-glory, hard work, dirty hands job very intrigue and inspiring, but it was very hard to build and film myself on the same time. So, I took the chance and filmed my neighbors, and they were many and extremely talented.
With 175 artists, mostly from the US and few from abroad, the society of arts and craft aim themselves to encourage the creation, collection, and promotion of art works. They held a preview party on the first day with a prize contest in order to promote art, with Marthe Le Van of MORA Gallery as a guest show juror.

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